The Ottawa Muslim Women’s Organization


The Ottawa Muslim Women’s Organization was established on September 30, 2001, shortly after the September 11 attacks when the Muslim community was reeling with shock. About 50 dedicated ladies from diverse origins decided to form an organization with the objective of Building Bridges with people of all faith groups and the community at large as well as addressing misconceptions about Islam and the negative image and status of Muslim women. The OMWO is committed to working together to establish mutual respect, acceptance, understanding of all cultures, traditions, faiths and religions. The OMWO reaches out to fellow Muslims and with all other Muslim organizations in Ottawa and Canada with the purpose of the common good of all. OMWO membership has expanded to include people, men and women, from various faith groups.


The One and Only Universal God created all humans as equal from a single pair – Adam and Eve. The equality of men and women is made clear in the following verses of the Quran.

O Humans! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other, not that you may despise each other.  Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is one who is the most righteous of you.”  Quran 49:13


“For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage a lot in the remembrance of God, for them has God prepared forgiveness and a great reward.” Quran 33:35


OMWO strives to put this into practice and is dedicated to working together with fellow Canadians for peace, progress, prosperity with integrity, balance and passion, to build unity with traditional principles.


  • To establish and maintain an environment for the teaching and instruction of its members in the basic and moral principles of Islam.
  • To carry on religious, social, cultural, civic, charitable, literary, athletic, scientific, research and other Islamic activities
  • To print, publish, distribute literature on Islam.
  • To conduct public and private meetings of a religious, social, and educational nature to enhance the knowledge of the members.
  • To receive, acquire and hold gifts, devices, bequests and charitable donations.
  • To cooperate with other NGOs which have similar values, objects and goals in whole or in part to the objects of the organization.
  • To give charitable donations both in cash and kind to deserving persons and to approved bona fide charities.
  • To foster and strengthen brotherly/sisterly relations among fellow Muslims.
  • To promote communication and understanding between Muslims and fellow citizens of other faiths.
  • The OMWO is carried on without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or other accretions to the OMWO shall be used solely to promote its objective